Since the beginning of its history, Japan has been nourished by the cultural contributions of its neighbors, forging its own culture and identity. From China, its powerful neighbor, Japan has received almost everything: political, economic, administrative organization and especially philosophy, religion, writing, the art of living and ... the art of tea, called cha-no -yu. The tea traveled between China and Japan, the Japanese emperors received it as a gift from the Chinese emperors, but it was the Buddhist monks who brought the first tea seeds to Japan in the 9th century. Buddhism Chan born in China, developed in Japan under the name "zen", and deeply marked the Japanese society by its quest for harmony, aesthetics, simplicity, the search for well-being , perfect gesture and inner peace. Impossible to imagine the Zen spirit without the tea ceremony. A symbol of oriental thought and its refinement, the art of tea is, according to Okakura Kakuzo, a 19th century scholar, a living synthesis of all Asian arts that even evokes a cult of tea or theism. According to him, the way of tea is a true aesthetic religion based on the adoration of beauty in the most trivial occupations of everyday life. A lifestyle and a spirit that contemporary Japanese perpetuate today despite their hectic pace of life.